So thrilled to be able to give away three copies of this brilliant book.
Are there still free copies available?
Yes! Do you want to send me your address and it's yours!
Can I send it via PM?
When I figure out how to do that, I will! I am new to this app!
Me too I can not work out how to direct message you! Are you on twitter can try there
Have you received my messages on Twitter?
Will do!
Hi! I would love a free copy please!
Fab send me your address and it's yours!
Oh sorry I don't think I have! You can email me!
Are there still free copies available?
Yes! Do you want to send me your address and it's yours!
Can I send it via PM?
When I figure out how to do that, I will! I am new to this app!
Me too I can not work out how to direct message you! Are you on twitter can try there
Have you received my messages on Twitter?
Will do!
Hi! I would love a free copy please!
Fab send me your address and it's yours!
Oh sorry I don't think I have! You can email me!